Paradise Found

Paradise Found
Taz on the pier

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Operation 10P is Swimming Like the Pelicans

So far, so good with Operation10P - I am faithfully getting on the treadmill and started working on my upper arms with small 2 lb. weights.  Hubby and mom do a good job of giving me time to work out in the mornings. 

I am averaging about the same amount of time each day including calorie and fat calorie count.  So I am happy about that.  I turned my MP3 player on and us my lunchtime dance break music to walk to.  When I worked, I would put my headphones in and go into our break/meeting room and dance to burn off some fat and calories.  Currently I am in a 16W dress.  Will let you know when I go down a size.  (P.S. - I do have to have these altered to fit in shoulders, length, etc.

I get extra exercise when I go out with my dog for walks up our drive and down the hill to the water.  I probably do at least 2-4 little walks a day but these add up. 

It is getting late for me (us country girls go to bed early), so I will wrap up with a photo of my beloved pelicans on the lake and my lovely lilies!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Spring Is Coming to East Texas and I'm Still FAT

I have that restless feeling you get this time of year.  I can't make myself stay in and finish something (even blog). 

I'll start cutting out fabric to sew and see a cardinal fly by and go out with the binoculars to bird watch.  Or my mother will holler "something big just flew by the window and landed in the tree"  and we all run to the lake side windows to see what is was.  It could be one of the eagles (we have seen as many as 2 at a time), or a brown hawk who is gorgeous, a big grey egret or just a regular hawk gliding on a current. 

When dusk starts to fall I go out to see if I can catch a glimpse of the deer as they come out to drink from the lake.  The sunsets are absolutely GORGEOUS - tonight I will go out with my camera to post a photo.

My lillies are blooming... I am ready for summer.  WHAT - no I'm not!!!  When I retired, I said I was going to work out and get fit.  I haven't done any of that.  I do hike with the dogs but don't really go fast, I am to busy looking for birds and other wildlife to get any real exercise.

So needless to say - I am FAT and not ready for summer clothes.  I have no excuse as this is my 310th day of retirement.

It's time for:  OPERATION 10P.  I should have done this years ago.  Being a short, fat girl has challenges when it comes to shopping.  Being 5'1"... I need clothes that are proportiate to my body and being a fat girl I need them wide enough to fit me.  Most regular petite sizes only go to size 16P.  I can't fit into most of them.  Women's sizes go larger but a 16W or 18W size is to big for my frame.  On tops or jackets - they are long enough to fit me like a dress or miniskirt, the sleeves cover my hands, the shoulder seams hit my elbows!  Skirts and pants in 16W or 18W - I don't need a top, I can just button the waist right over my boobs and viola, I am dressed!!  I know you can get them altered but that is just more money and I don't want to BE THIS FAT!!!

Operation 10P is about getting fit and to a size I would like to be.  I started exercise today.  I got on my treadmill and walked for 33.52 minutes for a distance of 1.61  miles.  I burned 204 calories with 63 of those being fat calories.  I will strive to do this everyday and keep a log.

When I retired, I told a friend and collegue I would run a marathon with her.  Tiersa, I am in training for it now - hope theres a marathon somewhere in December we can run together!!!

Till tomorrow!!